Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> writes:

> Am 12.12.2013 05:26, schrieb Carl Peterson:

>> 1) You need to be running Linux.
>>    1.1: If you aren't using Linux, you can run Linux within your
>> current operating system with LilyDev by following these
>> instructions [link]
>>    1.2: If you're already running Linux, great! Here's how to make
>> sure you have all the packages and tools needed to work on LilyPond
>> [link]

It's more like: on a scale of 1 to 5 of being able to work on LilyPond
without major hassles, you can use one of the following:
current Ubuntu                                        5
Virtual environment LilyDev on Windows, MacOSX, other 4
Most other GNU/Linux distributions                    4.5
FreeBSD                                               3.5
Native MacOSX                                         2
Native Windows                                        0

> This is exactly the kind of information I'd need now too. (And being
> in that situation I can't offer doing anything about it.)
> One particular question I have could be answered in this thread.
> If I'm not completely wrong the CG insists on installing and using
> git-cl for uploading patches.
> But if I'm not mistaken hardly anyone currently uses it.

That's wrong.  Every developer I know uses it.  The "hardly anyone"
applies to lily-git.tcl, quite a different beast.

> So _if_ there is a way to upload a patch for review using normal
> command line git, email and/or upload forms, I'd really prefer not to
> use git-cl, which seems to be rather restrictive (by design).

No, it isn't.  lily-git.tcl is.  But lily-git.tcl does not do the issue
management (at least not that I know of, never having used it), but
rather organizes your git repo and caters for pushing eventually.

David Kastrup

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