2013/12/10 Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>:
> 2013/12/7 Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>:
>> i'm infuriated. A new contributor had turned up, read CG and sent his
>> patch to the "frogs" mailing list, which, as far as i know, is dead
>> (and since lilynet is down, i'm not sure it's actually working at
>> all).
>> I'm so angry that I'll actually go through the CG and update the
>> instructions.
> a first "hotfix" was already pushed;
> i'm working on a bigger cleanup of first 3 chapters now.
Unfortunately, due to
i cannot continue now. Maybe someone would like to finish this? See
branch dev/janek/cg-cleanup and the outline in the attachment.
PS ccing to Graham because he might be interested to know that
Someone(TM) is doing Something(TM) to help new contributors!
After a good deal of thinking, here's how i think CG should be structured. The
first chapter should contain everything that a contributor should know
(including ho to upload patches for review), and if possible it shouldn't
contain optional information (for example not everyone needs to use LilyDev, so
this should be in a separate chapter).
List of sections:
1) Introduction and Quick start
< remove helpus >
* Summary (~Summary for experienced developers, but modified)
* how stuff is organized
- branch organizaiton
* setting up development environment
- link to Lilydev
- env variables
- "Initializing a repository"
- installing git-cl
- git setup tips (i.e. showing branch in prompt)
* overview of workflow
- link to chapter about git
- formatting rules (comit messages, indentation)
- compiling overview (what was in "compiling in lilydev")
- uploading a patch for review
- getting the patch pushed
2) LilyDev
3) Working with source code
<to be designed>
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