On 5 nov. 2012, at 09:45, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> "m...@mikesolomon.org" <m...@mikesolomon.org> writes:
>>> Do the different rest glyphs actually have different height?  Would it
>>> be possible to stipulate that they are not supposed to, and just let the
>>> code for rest height in general return the height of the standard rest
>>> glyph without bothering to check the on-staffiness?
>> I wanna say that they do (it'd be a difference of half a ledger line)
>> but I could be wrong.  I know nothing about metafont - someone more
>> competent than I would have to check.
> Well, there is the problem that staff lines may be reconfigured in
> thickness, but "apart from that (TM)", it would seem to me like counting
> the half ledger line into the glyph height for the glyph intended to be
> used on a staff line would not seem to cause problems, would it?  Or
> would it shift material around that is designed to align to staff lines
> and thus is not supposed to check for collisions with them for the sake
> of placement?

The easiest way to test this out is to get a baseline and then edit line 249 of 
rest.cc so that instead of:

SCM m = brew_internal_stencil (me, a != X_AXIS);

it reads

SCM m = brew_internal_stencil (me, false);

and then run make check.

You'll see right away how (if at all) this changes things.

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