mike <at> mikesolomon.org <mike <at> mikesolomon.org> writes:

> If a Rest being managed by a RestCollision, a call to Grob::extent with any 
> common refpoint other than the Rest itself will trigger at some point 
> Rest_collision:calc_positioning_done ...

Not more than once.
rest-collision.cc:calc_positioning_done() sets 'positioning-done' to true,
presumably to indicate that it has taken responsibility for positioning all
the rests within this RestCollision object.

Rests in outer voices do not often need to move to avoid rests in inner
voices, but when they do, it seems to work correctly:

\new Staff \with {\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = 0.7 } <<
 \new Voice {\voiceOne r2 g''2}
 \new Voice {\voiceThree r4 e''4 c''2}
 \new Voice {\voiceFour r4. e'8 g'2}
 \new Voice {\voiceTwo r2 c'2} >>

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