Juergen Reuter schrieb:
Hi all,

as far as I understand, all problems with incipits boil down to the following two major issues:

  (1) horizontal spacing, and

  (2) the system start delimiter.

Karl's solution unfortunately leaves horizontal space between the incipit and the actual score; hence it does *not* solve issue (2). Rather, the score lines should not stop inbetween.
Well, I am not so sure about that. I agree, the space is a bit too big here, but I personally like Nocolas' solution where the space mainly covers the distance between the choirstaff brace and the beginning of the staff. I know that much incipits are engraved with the double line method that is now used in the templates, but it feels logical to me that the "real" staff with the brace start only after the incipit. I somehow recall this would be also "hand engraved convention", but I might be wrong. There is an example pdf on the list sent by Stefan Slapeta that shows a broad range of incipits which show mainly the staff lines going through all the way. So it might be my personal opinion only that it would be nice to have the incipit seperated by a little white space.


IMHO, all other features have been quite well demonstrated in template A.5.1 for a while now. Hence, you probably should concentrate on solving these two remaining issues.

Regarding issue (2), maybe the "right" solution is to extend the system start delimiter implementation in such a way, that

  (a) automatic printing at the system start may be suppressed for a
      specific range of the score with kind of
      "\turnSystemStartDelimiterOff" and "\turnSystemStartDelimiterOn"
      commands, and

  (b) a kind of "\bar #'system-start-delimiter" command prints an
      additional system start delimiter whereever you want.  (But if this
      bar should happen to appear at the system start, the delimiter
      should not be printed twice.)

Regarding issue (1), I am not sure what the "right" solution is. Please note that the note durations in the incipit are typically much larger than in the actually score. Karl and Nicolas, did you check what happens with the horizontal spacing in your incipit solutions, if you double or quadruple the note durations in the incipit (and only there)? In your examples, in the incipts you are unfortunately using the same durations as in the actual score. I may be wrong, but I suspect that your solutions do *not* solve issue (1).

IIRC, the spacing engine maintains a variable that keeps track of shortest available duration in a peace in computes the ideal distance of larger note values in a logarithmic scale based on the shortest duration. Maybe this computation needs to be changed for the incipit (and only there!) to get tighter spacing in the incipit.


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