Reinhold Kainhofer:
> Am Freitag, 1. Februar 2008 schrieb Nicolas Sceaux:
> > When typesetting ancient music, one may want to produce two editions:
> > eventually one with original clefs, as found in the manuscripts, and an
> > other one with new fashioned clefs. It is also custom in the later case
> Actually, we're already two ;-) 
> I'm transcribing some old pieces by Schubert, who wrote the vocal voices 
> using 
> soprano/alto/tenor clef, while modern typesetting practice uses only the 
> treble clef for these voices. Now, I want to make two editions, one with the 
> original clefs, the other with modern clefs (but the original clefs as 
> incipits). So, you see, I'm having exactly the same problem.

There is two problems here,

1, should the clef look ancient or modern, e.g. 
  { \clef "petrucci-f" } or { \clef "bass" }

2, should we exchange a C clef for a G clef

For problem 1 one can look at what theese do
 \displayMusic { \clef "petrucci-f" c1 c }
 \displayMusic { \clef "bass" c1 c }

  (list (make-music
            (list (make-music
                  (ly:make-pitch -1 0 0))))
                  (ly:make-pitch -1 0 0))))))

Where the difference is "clefs.petrucci.f" vs. "clefs.F".
So an \ancientToModernClef should traverce the list and exchange
ancient "clefs.xx" to a modern variant.


Problem two is similar

  \displayMusic { \clef "petrucci-c2" c1 c }
  \displayMusic { \clef "petrucci-c3" c1 c }

gives this diff

  $ diff -u b.log b2 
  --- b.log       2008-02-02 20:46:38.888477652 +0100
  +++ b2  2008-02-02 20:47:08.884108561 +0100
  @@ -12,19 +12,19 @@
               (list (make-music
  -                    "clefs.petrucci.c2"
  +                    "clefs.petrucci.c3"
  -                    -2
  +                    0
  -                    -2
  +                    0


  \displayMusic { \clef "petrucci-c2" c1 c }
  \displayMusic { \clef "petrucci-g" c1 c }


  $ diff -u b.log b2 
  --- b.log       2008-02-02 20:48:23.373258918 +0100
  +++ b2  2008-02-02 20:48:44.370200812 +0100
  @@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
               (list (make-music
  -                    "clefs.petrucci.c2"
  +                    "clefs.petrucci.g"
  -                    -2
  +                    -6

To make a generic \changeClef one has to find the part between a-b below (a
list), and exchange it for something else

    (list (make-music
              (list (make-music
                    (ly:make-pitch -1 0 0))))))


Or what do you think.

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