On Oct 2, 2012, at 8:58 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:

> How small are the drives you are actually using?  If a drive fails,  
> can
> a new one be purchased?  I guess so.  The smallest I can find is 80 GB
> for $16, but it would probably cost almost as much for the 5.25  
> adapter
> to 3.5.  Also, how many months would it take to build LFS on a 486?   
> The
> fastest I found was 100MHz.
It's irrelevant. People can find small drives in trash dumps. Most  
people would replace hard drives with class 10 4GB flash drives if it  
came down to it. Also you still have people all around the world using  
pentium 3 machines or less for LFS builds which have drives < 80GB.  
Frankly, there are still 1GB scsi micropolis drives still rotating.

If this update does persist, you will need to create a note for people  
who may need to separate usr from /.

The LFS book already states the required disk space required for a  

>> I don't know why people need to go nuts and change things like this.
>> Explain the rational for this.
> That's rationale.  The idea is simplification for developers,  
> including
> LFS.  I think the case can also be made to remove /usr and just  
> promote
> the directories there, but that's more intrusive.  Besides, it's  
> just an
> idea to discuss.
To simplify for developers is like "Developers developers  
developers!"  You know the video.

There's nothing simplifying this for devs.

> I don't foresee a lot of changes being required.  They can be made as
> packages are updated and the changes would probably all be  
> simplifications.

>> If the usr merge is going to happen, just add systemd to core LFS
>> while you are at it.
> There's no need to be nasty.

That's not nasty. If you want to see nasty... look at your future book  
Edits won't occur cause of package updates. Actually no updates would  
be required
but you'll have unneeded book commands occurring for people who do  
the /usr to / merge.
Those who have /usr separate will benefit from those commands.


William Harrington
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