On 10/02/2012 07:42 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> I am wondering about making a change to LFS to combine some of the root
> directories and /usr.  Looking at the sizes on a fairly complete system:
> 22M     /lib
> 4.9M    /bin
> 7.6M    /sbin
> 1.4G    /usr/lib
> 300M    /usr/bin
> 15M     /usr/sbin
> It seems like the space needed for /usr is really not that much.
> (Disclaimer:  I have multiple versions of gnome, kde, qt, jdk, and xorg
> on /opt that takes about 11 G)
> What I was thinking about doing was changing Section 6.5 - Creating
> Directories from
> mkdir -pv /{bin,boot,etc/{opt,sysconfig},home,lib,mnt,opt,run}
> mkdir -pv /{media/{floppy,cdrom},sbin,srv,var}
> to
> mkdir -pv /{boot,etc/{opt,sysconfig},home,mnt,opt,run}
> mkdir -pv /{media/{floppy,cdrom},srv,var}
> ... (create /usr hierarchy)
> ln -sv  /usr/bin  /bin
> ln -sv  /usr/lib  /lib
> ln -sv  /usr/sbin /sbin
> case $(uname -m) in
>    x86_64) ln -sv /usr/lib /lib64 && ln -sv lib /usr/lib64 ;;
> esac
> As far as I can tell, everything should work as before, but we can
> remove some of the things we do to move files and libraries from /usr to
> /.   The restriction, of course, is that /usr must be a part of the
> rootfs, but a recommended size for that could be 20G and not really
> affect anything.
> -----
> While I'm at it, should we remove *.la files in the libraries:
> find /usr/lib -name \*.la -delete
> We can add that to Section 6.64 - Stripping Again.  What I've found is
> that I get a lot of warning messages and sometimes failures when
> packages try to use the .la files, but just removing them seems to fix
> things up without causing other problems.
> Opinions?
>     -- Bruce

I have seen this in other distros as well but what is the bottom line?

Does this fix anything and what does it solve?

Is it really good or just change for change sake?

It doesn't really do anything for me one way or another.  I can keep it 
split up or merged all together as I usually have /usr on the root 

I heard though the grape vine that developers are moving out of /bin 
/sbin /lib to /usr any way.

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