On Oct 2, 2012, at 6:42 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:

> I am wondering about making a change to LFS to combine some of the  
> root
> directories and /usr.  Looking at the sizes on a fairly complete  
> system:
> 22M     /lib
> 4.9M    /bin
> 7.6M    /sbin
> 1.4G    /usr/lib
> 300M    /usr/bin
> 15M     /usr/sbin
> It seems like the space needed for /usr is really not that much.
> (Disclaimer:  I have multiple versions of gnome, kde, qt, jdk, and  
> xorg
> on /opt that takes about 11 G)
> What I was thinking about doing was changing Section 6.5 - Creating
> Directories from
> mkdir -pv /{bin,boot,etc/{opt,sysconfig},home,lib,mnt,opt,run}
> mkdir -pv /{media/{floppy,cdrom},sbin,srv,var}
> to
> mkdir -pv /{boot,etc/{opt,sysconfig},home,mnt,opt,run}
> mkdir -pv /{media/{floppy,cdrom},srv,var}
Actually, this is retarded. People are doing this cause hard drives  
are huge and whatever.  Excuse us who use old systems from 1992 who  
have old and small hard drives and with systems which still beat cisc  

I don't know why people need to go nuts and change things like this.
Explain the rational for this.

Anyone building LFS should know how to partition their drives and  
create their filesystems appropriately. All that is going on here is  
creating more work for yourself.  Yes, there will be people in the  
future who will still create separate boot filesystems and usr and  
home and whatever else.

A lot of book edits are going to occur cause of this. And in BLFS as  

If the usr merge is going to happen, just add systemd to core LFS  
while you are at it.


William Harrington
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