2008/2/28, J. Greenlees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
>  > Correct, that's a way to deliver information. It does work for a
>  > single author. However, here you are wandering into the unexplored
>  > territory of collaborated video editing.
> not really, collaborative video proofing, since if there was a set
>  format that everyone followed there wouldn't need to be editing of it.

Still, there are some conceptuall difficulties. Suppose that one wants
to update a package version, to include some extra ./configure switch
or to do some other minor modification. Then, he has to re-record the
whole part of the video, and still, the voice will be different from
other parts.

>  > Also this means that we would automatically lose blind people from the 
> audience.
> The included audio will work for most visually impaired, but that is a
>  good point.. I wonder if subtitles could be pushed into a screen reader
>  somehow to answer that concern.

So we came back to the "linear text book" method of presenting the
information, except that there is also an additional video track
(good) that runs a pre-determined speed that may differ from the
optimal information flow speed for the student watching this video
(bad, but true for any lecture).

> Not a problem, it was just my immediate thought on reading Gerard's
>  post, since I have been looking at doing new-to-Linux-end-user type
>  video clips and making them available cross platform. I didn't expect it
>  to be a perfect idea, just one to help break the box open for people. :)

This is a good idea--in fact, 4 years ago I tried to implement this
and to record some educational videos about Linux (but with different
target audience, namely, those coming from Windows). I didn't finish
the project, because there was no demand or interest for Linux among
"computer operators" at USU at that time. Although, I learned that I
miss a lot of skills required to make an interesting TV show instead
of a boring lecture.

Alexander E. Patrakov
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