Hash: RIPEMD160

George Makrydakis wrote:
> On Sunday 02 March 2008 02:02:23 David Jensen wrote:
>> George Makrydakis wrote:
>>> You know what? This can work on windows as well.
>> LOL, and joe-sixpack visits LFS and clicks install ubuntu clone
>> now!
> What is the lol about?

I think it's a really bad idea for us to specifically try to teach
anything to Joe Sixpack that's never even used Linux.  Note I'm not
saying that everyone who uses LFS had used Linux before they started --
but those that didn't are most definitely *NOT* Joe Sixpack.  They had
an understanding of how computers worked, at least, and probably an
understanding of some of the tasks of an operating system.  (Heck, they
at minimum knew what operating system they were running: it was not "MS
Office 98" (or whatever), as so many users used to say.)

Anyway, it's a bad idea because our talents (IMO anyway) could be of
much greater use somewhere else: teaching people that *do* already have
some experience.

(I don't say we should explicitly exclude Windows users, by the way.
But I do say we shouldn't focus on them, either: I don't believe they
should be the target demographic.)

> Since when it was impossible to compile cross - platform compatible
> code?

How much of the code that we compile is actually cross-platform
compatible?  How many patches does Cygwin have to apply when they're
building stuff for their environment, which actually appears to act like
*nix?  How much worse would it be when the normal directory structure
doesn't even exist?

Yes, it may be possible to get it to work -- but only (IMO) via a
Herculean effort that (again IMO) could be better used somewhere else.
(Like making the text better.)

> If you were able to create the scripts through a web interface you
> would be cross platform again, for example.

Maybe I'm missing the boat here, but I don't think anyone was talking
about generating scripts.  I think people were talking about showing a
reader whatever modules the reader requested, via the web.

Note that I don't remember for sure if generating scripts was ever
requested, either.  But even apart from that, the OS that the user uses
to generate the instructions (and educational text, etc., etc.) does not
have to match the OS that they build from.  Since it's so much simpler
to just assume that gcc is present, and that the directory structure
makes sense, it's a ton less work to do that in the book's text.

But since we'd (well: I'd) rather not artificially limit who can read
the book and possibly learn something, as long as we don't have to also
specifically cater to them, it makes the most sense to let them read it
from any OS, browser, etc.

(This is where presenting it over the web is such a HUGE win over
running a full program on the client.)

> Last time I checked, C++ compilers where available for Windows as
> well.

Why the apparent fixation on C++ for this?  Please be specific if and
when you explain: be sure to include exactly why you weren't able to get
PHP (or "any script-type language", as you said) to work.

(I should note that I haven't read everything you've posted, mostly
because the majority of it looked like a huge mess of talking that I
didn't want to wade through at the time.  But I do remember you said
something vague about PHP not being able to handle XML databases, or
something like that.  You also made some vague comments before that
about "required" changes (at least, the ones you thought were required
- -- which should also be explained) being equivalent to turning the book
into an XML database (whatever that's supposed to be).  All of this
stuff was simply asserted, with no reasons or examples or anything given
behind it.  Anyway, if you need to point me to somewhere that you've
already explained it, feel free.)

Generally, "trust me, X doesn't work for Y" isn't a good way to stop
someone from using X.  Explaining exactly why X didn't work when you
tried to do Y (the specific limits you ran into, etc.), on the other
hand, is much better.  At minimum, that way the other person will see
places that you had issues, and can perhaps figure out another way
around them.
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