> I think it is a bad idea to force interactivity for a program,
> especially for those who are not first-time visitors.

My counter-argument: turn it off when it's not desired. It's not that 
hard to stop a program from showing output you don't want (anymore).

> However, with the current BLFS policy on the default ./configure line
> (don't include swiches that rely on optional dependencies), any kind
> of standartized common automation procedure is likely to fail. The
> best one can hope for is a _template_ buildscript where you should
> fill in the blanks yourself after reading the output of ./configure
> --help. I.e., some middle ground between a fully automated build and
> the current book where the reader writes (or doesn't write) automaton
> scripts for himself completely from scratch.

A lot is going to have to change in all projects for this merging to 
work out. That includes policy changes in both LFS and BLFS and 
whereever it's needed. These arguments are valid for today's systems but 
become moot if these discussions are to lead somewhere.

> I don't think that a technical solution for this problem exists,
> because, at this point, it is too late to solve it. Let's rephrase an
> example in some different ways:

Good points too. It's a common problem everybody faces. There's not a 
one solution that fits the bill. Perhaps different installation profiles 
could be thought of to try and fit a few main categories (Russian users 
vs North American in your example). But that too eventually leads to 
problems - too many profiles to maintain and not enough people to test 
them all out.

> For second-timers, that's just SPAM on the screen.

<lfs program name> --no-spam-i-am-not-a-newbie

problem solved :)

> Doable in HTML.

Think outside the current HTML box for a minute. Not for technical 
reasons but convenience. I've been wondering for a while if there's a 
case to be made for seeing installation output and the book's 
(replacement) text in the same window. I can see this be a nice change 
for installation modes where you are text-only.

While you wait for "make" to finish (we all know how long that can 
take), you can shift your eyes up a few lines and start reading up on 
what you're actually doing in one (hopefully?) convenient location.

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