On Saturday 01 March 2008 20:21:19 David Jensen wrote:
> George Makrydakis wrote:
> > Actually, what is necessary is to have a system that deals with
> > dependency resolution outside and over any package manager involved in
> > this process, for obvious reasons. Transforming the content from a new
> > "book" format into RPM, DEB, TGZ or <any other package management here>
> > requires a system comprised of filters so that we have the following:
> >
> > xmldatabase (XML contents) --> RPM filter  --> rpm build instructions
> > xmldatabase (XML contents) --> DEB filter   --> deb build instructions
> > ...
> > xmldatabase (XML contents) --> A filter --> A package manager filters.
> >
> > but also:
> >
> > xmldatabase (XML contents) --> xhtml filter --> xhtml format for
> > instructions.
> >
> > xhtml filter => can be customized by the end user.
> >
> > In a few words, the essential representational unit of this problem is
> > the following:
> >
> > XML Database --> filtering() --> Filter result
> >
> > Where one important aspect is that the various filtering() calls can
> > cooperate with each other before final output. What is important is that
> > they dump to a format that can be understood by a package manager, a
> > browser, a text editor or a video player (to make an extreme but
> > unpurposeful example).
> >
> >
> > Providing means to create these filters waives the need from the
> > community to have to do support on different dependency resolvers,
> > resulting in further LFS fragmentation. However, it also allows end users
> > to refine the process if the xml database upon which the system relies is
> > complete enough. The single link then, is the verbosity of the XML to be
> > used.
> >
> > In a few words, the engineering and design tasks you are to undertake are
> > not resolvable by a script  - oriented language without resorting to
> > multiple dependencies that will cause maintenance break ups. Not to
> > mention the performance issues.
> >
> > Relying on a more suitable language like C++ about this also has the
> > advantage that it is possible to reuse the same code and craft it into an
> > Apache module ( http://www.zarfmouse.us/apache-cplusplus/ ). This can
> > have several consequences on the design of a web platform and stand -
> > alone.
> >
> > In stand - alone for example, because of its nature, it is easy to make
> > it interact via the right bindings with other more "user friendly"
> > languages for a quick end result. Many projects use bindings for this.
> > Through JNI you could work with Java as well if you want to do that. And
> > if you want to work with the terse but efficiently put Haskell flavours,
> > you will be welcomed to do so, if anyone is interested in providing these
> > bindings.
> >
> > In web - oriented mode, and we are talking about web applications, the
> > same can be said with the use of apache dedicated modules. Use
> > everywhere, easily. Rapid development. And of course, performance.
> >
> > One solution to all the problems is would be to have a single
> > implementation for these things that makes things easy to develop further
> > once there is a need, without having to rewrite everything.
> >
> > This is what I am trying to do, firstly, with odreex.
> >
> > Tell me what you think.
> I think you're on track.  Excepting only that 'I' think XML is 'cutting
> butter with a chainsaw'.  XML is unambiguous and if auto-generated I
> won't object.

The original idea is to have the XML autogenerated. In order to have that, one 
must define the minimal set of instructions that the user actually has to 
write about the XML itself. Let's consider the following:

1) Full internationalization support
2) Different architectures supported
3) Alternative options for the build cycle (from flags to everything else).

Now, all of these are possible through XML files alone. But the verbosity of 
such a task is not easy for the end user to sit down and write, so how about 

Have the end XML file be a single, monolithic file with all the information 
necessary (languages, architectures, etc) that is generated out of different 
files that different people work on. For example, it would be tedious for a 
translator to work on the monolithic file (just like what they do in all 
clfs, diy-linux, and lfs), nor to mention error - prone. If he had all the 
text serialized properly in another file, this implementational separation 
also carries extra safety weight: the one does not bother the other.

It also ensures that a more

> That said, are you thinking a lib and or libs and implementations or
> just the mod/standalone implementations.  Gui?

Yes I am thinking about a library set. It is easy to make C++ code behave like 
everything you want, provided you know how to do it. This is why I divide 
odreex into 3 components:

1) odreex libraries ( or a single libodreex.so if you want to build it that 
way): the implementation of everything. The library aims at offering ease of 
use by implementing among others a DSEL (Domain Specific Embedded Language) 
for doing the administrative tasks on the build phase. Other things 
included ? : filesystem abstraction iteration, memory management (an idiom 
like RAII is used here, but even a garbage collector could be added as an 
external dependency to those who would like that. I don't need that because 
of RAII and other C++ idioms), xml parsing with full DTD support, 
compression / uncompression, package management filters, and yes .... a 
network stack (why? because you have to download things, don't you...)

The fun part? This is a multipurpose library to be used in other projects as 
well. This is why I prefer calling it "component framework".

2) odreex actors ( practically client application examples that serve as a 
basic template for eventual users to follow easily into their own design): 
the client applications.

3) odreex dramatist: this would be huge to explain here easily, but it is the 
core from which the monolithic XML files for redistribution emerge. The 
dramatist is the single dedicated part to XML and it can be summed up as 
this: database "templates". The dramatist is the XML database, itself. And 
any project wanting to do its own dramatist, it does not have to interfere at 
all with the library. Just open up an editor and XML your heart out.

One other point: actors can also use dramatist components to output 
interactive and non interactive bash scripts for example. This means one 
thing: you get a pretty good control of the script flow if you want, and even 
create one HUGE bash script doing all you want.

A comparison? GNU autotools. Instead of you writing the Makefile, you write 
the Makefile.am which is a few lines. What comes out of automake though, is 
far from simple lines; same applies with odreex.

I should have cleaned it up and released the first parts today, but in the 
midst of all the turmoil here, i think i am falling back for no valid reason.

Let's make some points about the gui:

1) if you go the apache module way (provided people want that), what you need 
is just a web application, therefore the gui problem is inexisting

2) if you go the command line way you do not need anything, but you can easily 
build a text based interface.

3) if you want a GUI: I personally prefer Qt, but anything that works with C++ 
would do. And everything of use, does work with C++. Using odreex would be 
like calling the libraries built, not a command line via a system call. 

You know what? This can work on windows as well.

Why? Because the process is abstracted and standard C++ is used. Writing the 
windows system part (for example, opendir() calls are part of POSIX, not 
windows) is a trivial thing for a library writer. There are many more things 
to discuss about this, but I feel that I could put this list offtopic. I 
regret not having completed this last week.

Thank you for the interest.

> ---
> David Jensen

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