DJ Lucas wrote:

> I trust this is for testing purposes...

This isn't to do with Trac, but Trac benefits by it. We are running
Subversion 1.1, IIRC. And 1.3.0 has been released and we feel it's a
good time to upgrade. If you have a concern with that, please voice it.

> I've been sitting back and watching thus far.  The above timeline just
> seems a little too eager to me.  Yes, I like the sound of Trac so far,
> but I would personally like to see the working results of a complete
> test run.  At very least, one complete project should be migrated first
> on a test server, and IMO, BLFS will be the PITA, and would stand the
> best chance of finding any pitfalls/setbacks/issues/etc. in the proposed
> migration plan. At least AFAIK it's the largest, and it has a decent
> revision history (for a couple of years before the SVN migration at
> least) to drag along with it.

There already has been a test run. I'm fine with stepping back and
waiting longer if you want more time to play with Trac. See

As I said in a previous message, you are welcome to play with the wiki,
play with adding removing Tickets, etc. It's all copied data from the
real server.

If you want an account on the test server to modify stuff, send me an email.

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