
Am 12.03.20 um 18:10 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
> Hi,
> Thanks. I hope in the future you'll endure more polished Polish strings.
> And two questions:
> 1. not a dumb one -  what is German word for English "extension"?
>     Is it "Erweiterung" or "Extension"?
"Erweiterung" would be the German word. For whatever reason it was never
really used in the German version.
> 2. Pootle is dead? Coronavirus?

The server has to be restarted by ASF Infra...

And before someone (not you) begins to complain again:

We are only a few volunteers keeping this project alive in our spare
time. If anyone is not happy with this situation, just engage and help
us! ;-)



> with warm regards,
> Czesław
> Le jeu. 12 mars 2020 à 16:50, Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de>
> a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> This should be fixed (incl. the earlier request)...
>> Regards,
>>    Matthias
>> Am 11.03.20 um 10:52 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
>>> Hi,
>>> AOO download page in Polish, upper left part of main window, label next
>> to
>>> AOO logo.
>>> Today when I first read "Darmowy i Otwarty Zestaw Produktów" I was
>> stunned.
>>> That sounds like a line devised by not-so-bright marketing specialist or
>>> "carrot vendor".
>>> Other language versions present wordings AOO truly deserves:
>>> ENGLISH --> The Free and Open Productivity Suite
>>> GERMAN  --> Die freie und offene Büro-Software
>>> FRENCH  --> La suite bureautique libre et gratuite
>>> You may care to look at juxtaposition I provided at the link below:
>>> https://pasteboard.co/IYzXrjq.jpg
>>> "Zestaw Produktów" means in Polish "set of products/produces". Hideous!
>>> So please ASAP - to spare me farther disgrace and eyesore - replace
>>> "Darmowy i Otwarty Zestaw Produktów"
>>> with "Darmowy i Otwarty Pakiet Oprogramowania Biurowego"
>>> Please also accept my sinceres apologies for not spotting this blunder
>> (not
>>> mine fortunately)
>>> earlier. I have been providing Polish strings for some days/nights, with
>>> valuable contribution
>>> by Mr. Matthias Seidel. And I never saw it! Sort of proverbial "Can't see
>>> the wood for the trees"...
>>> And once again congratulations for these nice baloons, ribbons and
>> confetti
>>> on German download page.
>>> Regards
>>> Czesław Wolański

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