Hi Luka,

thanks for your warm words! :) I'll respond to some points below.

2012.09.23 13:18, Luka Ramishvili wrote:
Thanks for your promptly answer, I was pleasantly surprised to see an answer on Sunday morning :)

There's no need for apologies. I'll always be a free software volunteer by heart, but I was afraid that other potential users could turn away after being confused, that's why I contacted you.

Thanks. Apparently, you fell victim to Pootle's bug 1785: http://bugs.locamotion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1785. I've just applied the patch from that bug, so you'll probably be the last one to have this unpleasant experience. I've also filed bug 2552 (http://bugs.locamotion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2552) with a suggestion to make the problem of lacking permissions even more obvious.

I understand the issues you outlined so thoroughly. No, there wasn't a Suggest button, probably the textarea was showing despite my lack of permissions. I have experience with gettext() and Poedit and by seeing how Pootle was making community-driven translations easy, I thought it had taken the next step to removing the barriers to entry - that I could skip the registration step entirely and focus on translating right away, and changes made by me (unregistered user) would be sent for approval to an admin before applying. I'm currently working on a software project where changes are submitted for approval before going public, so I made an (incorrect) analogy.

The workflow you suggest is indeed possible with Pootle, but we don't enforce it. Each language team is free to decide whether or not to enable anonymous suggestions for their locale. Either way, I guess we would need at least one person reviewing those suggestions for each language with anonymous suggestions enabled.

With your help, I understand now how Pootle's working. Thanks a lot. No, no enthusiasm were hurt during this incident :) I'll wait for the current maintainer to respond within a reasonable amount of time, and I will offer him/her to work together (I cannot address him/her by name, as there's none specified).

I understand. If (s)he doesn't respond in a reasonable amount of time, would you be willing to become the maintainer yourself?

I hope to be able to provide significant improvement over LibreOffice's current georgian localization. I guess many contributors didn't understand the key issues why LO has forked from OO, or preferred to stay with OO, so that may explain the current inactivity of our fellow contributors.

Can't say for sure, but I don't think anyone is maintaining Georgian OOo, at least it doesn't seem to be the case from looking at https://translate.apache.org/projects/OOo_34/. The problem is probably the lack of motivated manpower. :) By the way, I just discovered how you could contact a person who's marked as responsible for ka.libreoffice.org website. You can find his address here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Website/Web_Sites_services#International_Sites .

I'm glad people like you are working on LibreOffice. That's one of the main reasons why it's a great product.

Thank you! I'm glad I could be of help and I'm glad people like you are approaching us. Have a nice Sunday! :)


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