Hello LibreOffice team!

I saw that the georgian version of the site needed translation, so I went to 
the pootle server and started writing translations. After translating 10-15 
strings, I noticed that my changes weren't saved. I stopped translating as my 
work was fruitless.

My advice would be to put any type of warnings/notifications to notify the user 
what's she doing. 
1. If I needed to log in before starting making changes, I shouldn't have been 
allowed to write translations that weren't meant to be saved.
2. If the changes are submitted for approval before appearing on the site, that 
should be mentioned somewhere. 
3. The site let me navigate through the 10-15 translations I did, and there was 
an empty space on the right side. As I (correctly) guessed, that space on the 
right were table <td>-s meant for previewing translations 
(div.translation.translation-view), but they were empty. There wasn't even any 
indication that that space was reserved for previewing translations (and btw, 
why were they empty when I had entered translations?).
4. Is utf-8 allowed? I guess yes, but theoretically that can be the cause of 
the problem, as my language requires UTF-8.

I would provide significant contribution were I able to, maybe translating the 
site for 10-20%, because I was determined to do so (and had the time needed). I 
suggest potential contributors like me are vital for the continued development 
of the project. Don't let their attention slip away by bugs that undermine 
their willingness to work and lose work submitted by them.

Your dedicated user,
Luka Ramishvili

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