Hello Luka,
2012.09.23 09:33, luka.ramishv...@gmail.com rašė:
I saw that the georgian version of the site needed translation, so I went to
the pootle server and started writing translations. After translating 10-15
strings, I noticed that my changes weren't saved. I stopped translating as my
work was fruitless.
first of all, out apologies for this inconvenience. I know how it feels
to translate same strings more than once and then see your work
disappear. What you discovered here is probably a bug in Pootle (the
system we are using). Bugs happen... Thanks for reporting this one!
My advice would be to put any type of warnings/notifications to notify the user
what's she doing.
1. If I needed to log in before starting making changes, I shouldn't have been
allowed to write translations that weren't meant to be saved.
I think I see what has happened: you've been filling the fields and
clicking on the "Next" link, right? Well here's the thing: that link is
NOT a submit nor a suggest button. It just allows you to skip a string
and proceed to the next one. Question is why Pootle would display a text
field which you cannot submit at all... I know we have at least one
Pootle core developer on the l10n mailing list, perhaps he will have an
idea why this field is needed there. Although it seems that this issue
has been mitigated in the next generation of Pootle where the textarea
is not editable until you log in.
2. If the changes are submitted for approval before appearing on the site, that
should be mentioned somewhere.
Like I said, apparently, the changes were not submitted at all. However,
if you had rights to suggest strings only (as opposed to submitting
them), you would see the "Suggest" button. That would be indicative
enough, I hope?
3. The site let me navigate through the 10-15 translations I did, and there was an
empty space on the right side. As I (correctly) guessed, that space on the right were
table <td>-s meant for previewing translations
(div.translation.translation-view), but they were empty. There wasn't even any
indication that that space was reserved for previewing translations (and btw, why
were they empty when I had entered translations?).
Sorry, I'm not quite sure what page or div you are talking about here.
4. Is utf-8 allowed? I guess yes, but theoretically that can be the cause of
the problem, as my language requires UTF-8.
UTF-8 is the encoding used by Pootle, so yes, it is definitely allowed.
I would provide significant contribution were I able to, maybe translating the
site for 10-20%, because I was determined to do so (and had the time needed). I
suggest potential contributors like me are vital for the continued development
of the project. Don't let their attention slip away by bugs that undermine
their willingness to work and lose work submitted by them.
Once again, apologies for that... The tool we use is not perfect, but
it's open-source too, so hopefully it will become better as time goes.
In fact, I *know* that the next major version currently being baked is
already much more pleasant to work with.
Luka, I suggest that you proceed by doing the following:
1. Register with Pootle and send your user name here (to the l10n list)
so I (or some other Pootle admin) can grant you the rights necessary to
suggest or submit translations. It seems to me like our Georgian
localization is currently unmaintained, so you'd probably be granted
submit rights right away.
2. Try to get in touch with libreoffice...@gmail.com, as that email is
indicated on our wiki
[https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language_Teams] as belonging to our
current Georgian team lead (I'm cc'ing that person on this message too).
It would be good to know if he's still interested in localizing LibO.
3. Subscribe to the l10n list (you'll find the subscribe link on our
Pootle's home page). This is not mandatory, but greatly encouraged and
is generally useful.
I hope the inconvenience you had with Pootle won't hurt your enthusiasm
too much. LibreOffice is a community-driven project, so love our
contributors more than anything. :)
Best regards,
Rimas Kudelis
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