Hi Zeki,

2012/9/10 Zeki Bildirici <z...@ozgurlukicin.com>:
> As you said that, the strings with errors will not be merged, i think
> it is a good time to share the total list of tomabalaks gathered until
> now.
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/38862200/Tombalaks.ods
> Here is the ODS spreadsheet. There are 43 tombalaks noticed bu Turkish
> translation team. Most of them are about the missing or wrong emph
> tags. I tried to note the reason and the component.
> Should i fill a bug report? Or is it fine here?

Please file a bug report and assign it to me, I'll sort them out when
I find some time (before 3.7 string freeze). Please note that
self-closing <emph/> tag is not wrong, it is just redundant. I'll
remove them anyway, because they confuse translators.


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