2012/9/10 Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,

Hi Andras,
> Please find the error logs at the usual place:
> http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/l10n/errorlog/

Thanks for your notification.

> However, our process has changed a bit. I will not correct fatal help
> translation errors in git myself any more. A new piece of code has
> been developed, that checks for such errors build time before merge,
> and will not merge strings with errors. See
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52246.

Andras, as i previously said that we are tagging the original strings
with the comment "tombalak"

As you said that, the strings with errors will not be merged, i think
it is a good time to share the total list of tomabalaks gathered until


Here is the ODS spreadsheet. There are 43 tombalaks noticed bu Turkish
translation team. Most of them are about the missing or wrong emph
tags. I tried to note the reason and the component.

Should i fill a bug report? Or is it fine here?

> So, if you wrote for example <emph/> instead of </emph>, did not close
> a tag, etc., that segment would be rejected, and English original
> would be used in translation. I'll work on translator-friendly error
> reports later. For now, please check Pootle tests, at least xmltags
> when you translate help.

Will work on it.


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