2012/1/2 Valter Mura <valterm...@gmail.com>:
> Il 18/12/2011 21:14, Andras Timar ha scritto:
>> Hi Valter,
>> 2011/12/18 Valter Mura<valterm...@gmail.com>:
>>> as today is 18th Dec, can I start announcing a new localization cycle in
>>> my
>>> language list? I suppose the string freeze is currently done.
>> Let's wait until tomorrow evening, or even let's wait for the next
>> tag, that's the official deadline. You never know who wants to add
>> something in the last minute. At the moment templates in Pootle are
>> not up to date, they are from 2011-12-15, and I know that string
>> changes occured after that date.
> Hi Andras,
> currently string changes seem to be still in progress.

I'm not aware of any string change since the official freeze date,
2011-12-19. Can you show me examples?

Best regards,

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