
2011/12/15 Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net>:
> I see hundreds of new strings, which puzzles me, just few weeks passed
> and ... Well, I will survive.
> Is now Lightproof the official grammar checker for LO? Is it included
> with LO or just English and/or Hungarian language packs?
> Slovenian users prefer LanguageTool, so who voted for it? Or is every
> l10 community free to choose its default grammar checker and ask for
> its inclusion into official builds? If Lightproof is not part of the
> LO official builds, how can Lightproof strings become part of official
> po files?

No ftp, sorry.

Regarding the grammar checker. Lightproof has at least two advantages
over LanguageTool. It is lighter, and it is not in Java. LanguageTool
was never included to official LibreOffice builds for various reasons.
Now we have LightProof packed in English and Hungarian dictionary
extensions, Russian may follow soon. It was accepted on the TSC call a
week ago, after developer of Lightproof sent his patches to the dev
mailing list. Of course, everybody is free to choose the default
grammar checker, LanguagTool is available as an extension and
currently it supports more languages than Lightproof. LightProof and
LanguageTool can be installed at the same time.

Best regards,

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