2012/2/27 Mihkel Tõnnov <mihh...@gmail.com>:
> I noticed that the strings are translated in 3.5.1 RC1 -- thanks for fixing
> that!
> A few issues remain, though.
> 1) There is not enough room for longer strings -- i.e. strings that are
> more than 10 or 20% longer than in English, are cut off at the end. This
> affects locales like fr, de, hu, fi, et, and probably many others. I think
> the dialogs should be redesigned to use tabs instead of current sections,
> and each tab page should only have one column of checkbox-options, with
> full page width available for translated strings.
> 2) "Dictionaries" and "English/Hungarian/Russian sentence checking" are
> still in English.
> 3) In the English grammar extension, shouldn't the options "Em dash" and
> "En dash" be mutually exclusive, i.e. option buttons, not checkboxes?

1) You are right, it is an easy hack. I'll check the issue later.
2) When you start with a new user profile, these are translated, too.
3) Again, ou are right.

I cc-ed the author, Laszlo Nemeth, maybe he finds some time to fix 1)
and 3) before someone else does.

Many thanks for your feedback,

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