Unless they have recently changed the rules in the US, if you are flying
solo, you are not required to have an ELT.  If you are not changing the
engine, different kind or size, then, just keep on flying off the hours.  If
you changed from a VW to a Cont, or something like that, then only 5 hours
is required, and you will be getting those as you continue to fly off the

When you do get an ELT, you will be required to get what is required at the

But then, this is just from what I remember, so I hope that someone else
with regs in their brain will either confirm or deny. 

See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2009 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Ill
There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for Flying
has begun.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-------Original Message-------

My kr-2 got it's airworthyness cert, and operating limitations back in
the 1980's.

Now with a new motor, canopy, fordeck and cowl, I am sure they will want
me to fly off 40 hours in addition to the 22 already logged.

What abot the ELT?  It has none now. No mention of one in the logs.
What do I have to do?  Old style, new style, exempt via operating
limitations, then get one later? what?

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