One quick certification tip:  It really does help the certification
inspection process, to have established a repore with your local FSDO.  You
may not live reasonably close to one.  But if you do, stop by the office, in
person, and pick up a homebuilder's certification packet - or whatever it's
called.  Take the time to introduce yourself, tell them about your project,
and let them know when you might be ready for the certification process.
They should be able to give you the name(s) of a local DAR.  Look him up.
Get to know him.  Let him know what you are doing and invite him over for a
cup of coffee and a looksee at your project when he's in the area.  When the
actual time comes for the certification inspection, the process will go much
more smoothly and quickly than if you are seeing the guy for the first time.
Being human (really?), DARs emphasize different areas during the process and
you can get a feel for what this guy likes to see.


Ed Janssen
----- Original Message ----- 

>         As for inspections during construction he did look for sign off's
> by EAA tech councilors and it is just down right good practice to have
> them done.

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