Phil Matheson wrote:

> I was planing a full reply to Marks comments, as I was very disappointed.

I'm sorry I disappointed you.    My comments were based on the posts of 
several folks on the list who are either building or flying behind VWs that 
have said they'd rather have a Corvair in their plane, if they could start 
over.  There are several folks who were flying behind VWs that recently 
switched to the Corvair.  Here's a short list: Bob Lester, Steve Makish, 
Steve Jones, and Bill Clapp used to fly a VW in his earlier KR2.  Why didn't 
Bill build his new S with a VW engine?    Steve Glover was in the process of 
converting from VW to Corvair when he sold his airplane.  There are several 
folks who've bought VW powered projects that are now converting them to 
Corvair power (like Colin Rainey).  I don't know of a single soul who's 
flown behind a Corvair that wants to go back to a VW.  I even know one guy 
with an 0-200 in his plane that's planning on installing a Corvair.

But  I'll try to keep my biased comments to myself in the future...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at" 

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