Mark Langford wrote:

>There are good stainless valves and bad stainless valves.  You must have
>bought some bad ones,

I got them from HAPI years ago. They didn't last long at all. The engine
lost compression in the hottest cylinders. I recommend stock exhaust valves
and change them regularly. They're pretty cheap.

>The airplane is at almost full
>throttle, and your bug is rarely full throttle for very long, or you'd be
>going 90 mph or so.

At full throttle my bug wouldn't go over 70. It's got no tach. but I can
tell at that speed the engine is really straining.

>I used to be the engine mechanic at
>the VW dealership in Las Vegas

I used to be a vw engine mechanic too. Worked on lots of buses.

>I could argue all day about this, but there's no doubt that aircraft use
>demands far more from an engine than automotive use.

I don't agree. If you set the engine up properly then it will run cool and
will be reliable. They last longer if they run at one speed and pretty much
in one tempature range which is where air cooled engines are at their best.

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