No, Stainless steel valves are worse. They're soft and although they're one piece, as opposed to welded, they stretch and are more expensive. I threw away a set of them due to compression loss after just a few hours of use. The best exhaust valves to use are the stock TRW brand valves. They are two piece and have hardened stems.
Message: 4 List-Post: Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 10:05:39 +0100 From: "phil brookman" <> Subject: Re: KR> tappets adjustments To: "KRnet" <> Message-ID: <002f01c5a3d4$00ce1ff0$73a51352@philljl2re6t9i> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 >thanks for the input on this - sounds like tempreature is the problem >therre are stainless steel valves and manley stainless valves i wonder if >these are any better also some valves are listed suitable for unleaded