>Thanks for the report, good reading, but please be
>very careful when using aileron during your stall
>tests. You don't want to seperate the airflow from a
>wingtip and initiate a soin, that would be exciting.
>Denny ...

My KR, which is built and rigged to plans except for the 24"
stretch, will not respond to raising a wing using rudder.
However, the ailerons are effective up to and through the
stall.  If I try to "rudder" a wing up it causes the nose to
pitch down from, I suspect, a partial blanking out of the
horz stab / elevator.  If I stay off the rudder it will keep the
ball centered on its own.  So, I just treat it like it wants to
be treated and we get along just fine.

As always , your results may vary..........

Larry Flesner

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