
There's a PDF file of the RAF48 wing profiles at .  I did these a long time ago 
for Dana, I think it was.  They are CAD generated and accurate to the published 
coordinates.  But like Don said, the plans version work fine too.  These are 
not the same high quality as the AS504X templates that I've done before, that 
is they don't have spar dimensions or angles or any of that stuff, but they do 
have the spar location, level line, and chord line drawn in.  They can be taken 
to Kinkos and plotted out for something like ten bucks, just in case your plans 
version is lost or destroyed, or as usually happens to bluelines, faded to 

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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