Sam Bailey in Pratt, Kansas built three KR-1's and I think he used to do
an aerobatic routine in one of them.  

I can imagine what a "high speed turning stall" is but I've never done
one so don't know what my KR would do . . . something predictible I would
think.  It's not an unpredictable plane.  

Tails usually fail before wings do but I've never heard of either one
failing with KR's.  Strange that someone would go through all the time
and expense and work to build a KR and take this brand new plane out and
do aerobatics with it after 10 hours?  That doesn't sound likely, but who
knows.  Maybe he built it crooked. 

I think the main danger doing aerobatics is doing any negative G's and
something loose getting caught in the control cables.  The plane needs to
be cleaned up really good before any aerobatics that could involve
negative G's.  Just my thought.  

I flew a Champ today for my BFR and it kicked my butt.  The KR is so much
easier and pleasant to fly.  What an awful experience chasing the ball
and needle with an instructor watching.  I couldn't get the plane to
correspond to the turn & bank or vice versa - those old planes react so
SLOW it's painful.  I can see it takes a lot of practice to fly them

But who wants to?  It was awful.  

Mike Stirewalt

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