--- Comment #34 from David Edmundson <> ---

1) Change Window Action Key default to Super/Meta;

What you are asking us to _break_ the workflow of all of users. Most of whom
are currently unaffected. That is not going to happen during 5x and is not
remotely up for discussion.

(only consolation point, when we do get Plasma telemetrics, I might make this
one of the things tracked)

2) Cleanup Window Action Key settings so people can actually find it easily;

System setting rewrites are a constant WIP, typically 1-2 every release. This
will include kwin window actions at some point. I'll see what we can do. 
Maybe it belongs exposing in the kglobalaccel UI - even if we have to sideload

3) Add a "None" option, so the Meta app and Alt app can co-exist under Plasma;

We can do that.

4) Never ask the applications to change, they are following the 99%;

That's pretty rich, given that's exactly what you're asking.
The only reason krita can't change their default under Plasma is familiarity
which is the state for all our non-krita using kwin users.

5) Listen to different voices outside of your echo-chamber;

And you need to do the same.

6) Make it clear: who the target users are for Plasma.

Existing users of Plasma come first.

We should press for option 7

7) Explore solutions that work for both of us, that is not being remotely
reciprocated. This is trying my patience. 

If there is one more wall of text that isn't in the spirit of collaboration I
will set this bug to closed.

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