Messages by Thread
[Discover] [Bug 500539] Stray update fields on Tasks modal window
[kwin] [Bug 497632] Flaky performance with multiple displays (3+)?
Ken Rushia
[kdenlive] [Bug 501513] New: “Extract Frame” but to clipboard
[korganizer] [Bug 423791] Deleting a Caldav calendar also deletes it on the server
Allen Winter
[dolphin] [Bug 306290] Dolphin is unusable on huge folders (200 000 of files)
Ken Rushia
[frameworks-kio] [Bug 489700] User Experience/Usability: on a touch device, I can neither figure out how to even enter a filename(!) nor how to save the file in a simple sub folder
[kdenlive] [Bug 499617] Layered video brightens bottom layer
Cheddar Fox
[kate] [Bug 501362] When `$(command -v kwrite)` is set as the value of `$Env:EDITOR`, `systemctl edit` generates an empty, useless tab alongside the expected one.
Roke Julian Lockhart Beedell
[systemsettings] [Bug 495494] It's possible to delete a logged-in user with no warnings
Bug Janitor Service
[konsole] [Bug 461780] Add option to restore tabs upon restart
[plasmashell] [Bug 501354] 100% brightness in the Brightness and Colour plasmoid correlates to 30% brightness in the VCP firmware, and this cannot be overridden
Roke Julian Lockhart Beedell
[Breeze] [Bug 494086] GTK3 spinbox negative button is an X, instead of a -
Roke Julian Lockhart Beedell
[plasmashell] [Bug 501446] Powerdevil cannot request/set brightness on integrated laptop screen and crashes
Jakob Petsovits
[kate] [Bug 500708] Kate Flatpak Cannot Save Files under `~/.config/fontconfig/`
John Kizer
[systemsettings] [Bug 501509] New: Edit rule window ComboBox drop down empty or black boxes
[dolphin] [Bug 499977] The copy dialog vibrates
Akseli Lahtinen
[frameworks-kio] [Bug 501085] Extra dot added to the file name when saving a file using the "Save As" dialog
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
[kate] [Bug 501508] New: UI reacts noticably slow while typing inside an open file on an NFS share
Marco Rebhan
[plasmashell] [Bug 436318] Implement real session save/restore on Wayland
[plasmashell] [Bug 499833] Bottom panel of plasma 6.3 appears nicely at startup but auto hiding top one still doesn't
Bug Janitor Service
[plasmashell] [Bug 501473] A setting for default keyboard layout for lockscreen and polkit
[kwin] [Bug 492426] Black areas after raising up context menus, including widget controls on the desktop and all windows beneath them.
Jakub Ćwik
[kdeconnect] [Bug 501507] New: Show targets in share menu
[plasmashell] [Bug 481803] When the list is empty it displays a small artefact instead of a more verbose feedback
[valgrind] [Bug 501479] Illumos DRD pthread_mutex_init wrapper errors
Paul Floyd
[krita] [Bug 501474] Krita reports the wrong rectangular selection dimensions when in Intersection mode.
[Discover] [Bug 501369] Request: add option to disable KNewStuff listings in Discover
[korganizer] [Bug 409618] time scale not visible in side-by-side view
Allen Winter
[kwin] [Bug 501505] New: [Regression] KWin Wayland not allowing apps to fullscreen at 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 affects a huge list of old games that would otherwise run fine
[kwin] [Bug 501505] [Regression] KWin Wayland not allowing apps to fullscreen at 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 affects a huge list of old games that would otherwise run fine
Bug Janitor Service
[kwin] [Bug 501505] [Regression] KWin Wayland not allowing apps to fullscreen at 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 affects a huge list of old games that would otherwise run fine
[kwin] [Bug 501505] [Regression] KWin Wayland not allowing apps to fullscreen at 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 affects a huge list of old games that would otherwise run fine
[kwin] [Bug 501505] [Regression] KWin Wayland not allowing apps to fullscreen at 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 affects a huge list of old games that would otherwise run fine
[kwin] [Bug 501505] [Regression] KWin Wayland not allowing apps to fullscreen at 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 affects a huge list of old games that would otherwise run fine
[kwin] [Bug 501505] [Regression] KWin Wayland not allowing apps to fullscreen at 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 affects a huge list of old games that would otherwise run fine
[kwin] [Bug 501505] [Regression] KWin Wayland not allowing apps to fullscreen at 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 affects a huge list of old games that would otherwise run fine
[kwin] [Bug 491751] On Wayland Full system freeze with kwin_scene_opengl: Invalid framebuffer status: "GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT"
[systemsettings] [Bug 500639] Own images listed in systemsettings > screen locking > appearance cannot be removed/deleted
John Kizer
[Haruna] [Bug 500715] Enhancement tips
John Kizer
[konsole] [Bug 500720] Main and session bar keep showing after restart when disabled
John Kizer
[Crow Translate] [Bug 500704] Crash when I try to open settings menu
John Kizer
[kcalc] [Bug 501399] Calculate Gamma function for factorial of fractional numbers
Gabriel Barrantes
[plasmashell] [Bug 501389] Plasma freezes when copying files from network share to desktop and disconnecting network share in the middle
[Discover] [Bug 418083] Discover does not list Snap apps when we browse through the apps nor when we search for their names. But Discover lists them when we search for "snap".
John Kizer
[plasmashell] [Bug 501494] plasmashell crashed after login after waking system from sleep
[KScreen] [Bug 486013] Meta+P does not change the screen mirror/extend. It only shows the dialog.
Tomas Hula
[kinfocenter] [Bug 501496] New: Kinfocenter is not showing the graphical Disk Usage
[kate] [Bug 501478] Kate's inbuilt terminal leaves visual glitches while resizing
Christoph Cullmann
[kate] [Bug 500766] Freezing when using mouse-wheel zoom down to a low level
Bug Janitor Service
[systemsettings] [Bug 497128] KDE Systems Settings Crash - Application Style
[kwin] [Bug 479250] Brief screen freeze when opening Thumbnail Grid tabbox or Overview (anything in KWin that loads KPipeWire window thumbnails)
[plasmashell] [Bug 501501] New: Bluetooth headset loses audio after auto-switch between playback modes
[kate] [Bug 501256] LSP "Outlput" log treats the LSP server stderr messages like HTML
Bug Janitor Service
[krita] [Bug 500458] When pressing next frame button instead of just going to next frame, goes to previous frame then to next frame.
[kdeplasma-addons] [Bug 501010] Binary Clock counts correctly to 9, but then jumps to 16.
[frameworks-kiconthemes] [Bug 501500] New: Plasmashell not use colorfull icon, if available "-symbolic" icon
[kwin] [Bug 501499] New: Force start of night light.
Marcos Dione
[frameworks-knewstuff] [Bug 501492] Unable to download add-ons due to "Server stopped accepting new streams before this stream was established" error.
Roke Julian Lockhart Beedell
[Spectacle] [Bug 485096] When default screenshot format is JPEG, screenshots copied to the clipboard cannot be pasted until Spectacle quits
Oliver Klee
[plasmashell] [Bug 501497] New: Split and compbined brightness control
Marcos Dione
[kdeconnect] [Bug 501060] Using KDE Connect for android, unable to pair any devices. Pairing requests time out after accepting.
[frameworks-kio] [Bug 501462] `empty` icon used for "Create empty file" is nearly invisible especially with a dark theme
Nate Graham
[plasmashell] [Bug 501436] Icons in hidden view feel too large
[frameworks-kio] [Bug 406513] No touch scrolling in open/save dialog
Nate Graham
[frameworks-kio] [Bug 496023] Open/save dialog file listing has no touch scroll, making it seemingly near impossible to navigate larger folders
Nate Graham
[digikam] [Bug 501495] Delete all face tags, no JPG changes
Michael Miller
[frameworks-kio] [Bug 391199] Display graph of transfer speed over time for file operations
Nate Graham
[frameworks-kio] [Bug 317513] Cannot open files that start with a tilde
Akseli Lahtinen
[kdenlive] [Bug 473086] List of Compositions/Effects names not translated in the UI.
[kdenlive] [Bug 500850] Motion tracker crash when size too small
[plasmashell] [Bug 433994] Password field loses focus after entering wrong password
Nate Graham
[kde] [Bug 463648] Various pieces of QML-based KDE software crash on launch in QQmlPropertyCacheCreator<QQmlTypeCompiler>::propertyCacheForObject()
[kdenlive] [Bug 501416] kdenlive crashes on startup on Intel-based Macs (24.12.2 and newer)
[kwin] [Bug 500777] Screen recording quality drops noticeably with fractional scaling, but only with Rectangular Region mode
Nate Graham
[plasmashell] [Bug 487699] Crash in QAbstractAnimationJob::stateChanged