adixitconfluent commented on code in PR #18725:

@@ -5977,6 +5980,64 @@ class ReplicaManagerTest {
+  @Test
+  def testDelayedShareFetchPurgatoryOperationExpiration(): Unit = {
+    val mockLogMgr = TestUtils.createLogManager( 
+    val rm = new ReplicaManager(
+      metrics = metrics,
+      config = config,
+      time = time,
+      scheduler = new MockScheduler(time),
+      logManager = mockLogMgr,
+      quotaManagers = quotaManager,
+      metadataCache = MetadataCache.kRaftMetadataCache(config.brokerId, () => 
+      logDirFailureChannel = new LogDirFailureChannel(config.logDirs.size),
+      alterPartitionManager = alterPartitionManager)
+    val groupId = "grp"
+    val tp1 = new TopicIdPartition(Uuid.randomUuid, new TopicPartition("foo1", 
+    val partitionMaxBytes = new util.LinkedHashMap[TopicIdPartition, Integer]
+    partitionMaxBytes.put(tp1, 1000)
+    val sp1 = mock(classOf[SharePartition])
+    val sharePartitions = new util.LinkedHashMap[TopicIdPartition, 
+    sharePartitions.put(tp1, sp1)
+    val future = new CompletableFuture[util.Map[TopicIdPartition, 
+    val shareFetch = new ShareFetch(
+      new FetchParams(ApiKeys.SHARE_FETCH.latestVersion, 
FetchRequest.ORDINARY_CONSUMER_ID, -1, 500, 1, 1024 * 1024, 
FetchIsolation.HIGH_WATERMARK, Optional.empty, true),
+      groupId,
+      Uuid.randomUuid.toString,
+      future,
+      partitionMaxBytes,
+      500,
+      100,
+      brokerTopicStats)
+    val delayedShareFetch = new DelayedShareFetch(
+      shareFetch,
+      rm,
+      mock(classOf[BiConsumer[SharePartitionKey, Throwable]]),
+      sharePartitions)

Review Comment:
   I think the relevant attributes of `DelayedShareFetch` have already been 
mocked, for example - exception handler. If we don't do this, we'd have to 
write a bunch of `when` statements for `delayedShareFetch`. Hence, I prefer an 
instance instead of a mock. We are not playing with the behaviour of 
`DelayedShareFetch` and we need `shareFetch`

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