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RE: GIT sparse checkout and triggering a build
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
RE: GIT sparse checkout and triggering a build
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
500: Response header too large
Re: 500: Response header too large
Re: 500: Response header too large
Re: 500: Response header too large
'Daniel Beck' via Jenkins Users
Re: 500: Response header too large
passing parameters/arguments to a groovy script outside of pipeline stages
Mike MBS
Want to automatic deployment
Achudhan M G
how to limit maxs agent pods in jenkins k8s plugins
doesn’t have label
Alok Dubey
Re: doesn’t have label
Mark Waite
Re: doesn’t have label
'Björn Pedersen' via Jenkins Users
Re: doesn’t have label
Mark Waite
id_rsa" is not a valid key file.
Re: id_rsa" is not a valid key file.
John Patrick
Re: id_rsa" is not a valid key file.
praveenm mulimani
Re: id_rsa" is not a valid key file.
praveenm mulimani
Re: id_rsa" is not a valid key file.
'Maciej Jaros' via Jenkins Users
Re: id_rsa" is not a valid key file.
'Dirk Heinrichs' via Jenkins Users
Re: id_rsa" is not a valid key file.
praveenm mulimani
Transition to 2+2+2 Java Support for Jenkins
Mark Waite
Re: Transition to 2+2+2 Java Support for Jenkins
Mark Waite
Re: Transition to 2+2+2 Java Support for Jenkins
Mark Waite
[ANN] Jenkins Board and Officer Elections 2023 started: Nomination of candidates & Voter registration is now open
Alexander Brandes
'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
sajith m p
Re: 'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
John Patrick
Using Jenkins already assigned class names to change its view
Sarthak Babbar
Cannot list image tags into Jenkins active choices dropdown
P Terziev
How to share a workspace between 2 pipelines?
For a multi-branch pipeline what is causing automatic scanning/indexing?
How to alleviate error when running a multi-branch pipeline scan?
Re: How to alleviate error when running a multi-branch pipeline scan?
Re: How to alleviate error when running a multi-branch pipeline scan?
Email Extension Plugin...
Karl Krasnowsky
Kubernetes Plugin - Running more than one agent of a pod template concurrently
Ashish Sharma
Re: Kubernetes Plugin - Running more than one agent of a pod template concurrently
'' via Jenkins Users
How does one deploy to webdav server?
'Kari Cowan' via Jenkins Users
Re: How does one deploy to webdav server?
'Maciej Jaros' via Jenkins Users
Re: How does one deploy to webdav server?
'Kari Cowan' via Jenkins Users
Re: How does one deploy to webdav server?
Mark Waite
Re: How does one deploy to webdav server?
'Kari Cowan' via Jenkins Users
is docker pipeline plugin maintained?
Valerio Catalano
Re: is docker pipeline plugin maintained?
Mark Waite
Re: is docker pipeline plugin maintained?
Valerio Catalano
Enquiry: Reliability of "Plugin Usage" Tool and Alternatives
Onkar Kadam
Re: Enquiry: Reliability of "Plugin Usage" Tool and Alternatives
'Maciej Jaros' via Jenkins Users
User Libraries in Blue Ocean
Why does Jenkins need to read the memory of lsass.exe?
Amedee Van Gasse
Re: Why does Jenkins need to read the memory of lsass.exe?
'' via Jenkins Users
Regarding unable to find what actual cause of pipeline failed.
Pranjali Shinde
Jenkins Python Job
Mahryama issifu
Re: Jenkins Python Job
Mark Waite
Re: Jenkins Python Job
Mahryama issifu
Regarding two jenkins jobs
Ashok Reddy
Re: Regarding two jenkins jobs
Kris Stern
Re: Regarding two jenkins jobs
Ashok Reddy
Re: Regarding two jenkins jobs
'Björn Pedersen' via Jenkins Users
Re: Regarding two jenkins jobs
Ashok Reddy
Re: Regarding two jenkins jobs
Kris Stern
Re: Regarding two jenkins jobs
Ashok Reddy
Re: Regarding two jenkins jobs
Kris Stern
Re: Regarding two jenkins jobs
Ashok Reddy
Jenkins && access to ant and maven disappeared
Matthias Apitz
Re: Jenkins && access to ant and maven disappeared
Thomas Markus
Re: Jenkins && access to ant and maven disappeared
Matthias Apitz
Re: Jenkins && access to ant and maven disappeared
Thomas Markus
Re: Regarding unable to start jenkins
Mark Waite
Re: Regarding unable to start jenkins
Ashok Reddy
Re: Regarding unable to start jenkins
Mark Waite
Semantics of "Label_1 || Label_2"
'Dirk Heinrichs' via Jenkins Users
Executing external Groovy script in Jenkins 2
'Maciej Jaros' via Jenkins Users
Re: Executing external Groovy script in Jenkins 2
'Maciej Jaros' via Jenkins Users
using multi-line parameter
Re: using multi-line parameter
Arnaud bourree
Re: using multi-line parameter
Re: using multi-line parameter
James Nord
Help and Input needed, repeatable k8s based CI for Apache Cassandra
Mick Semb Wever
Jenkins / Unity / Guthub integration
'andrew stillie' via Jenkins Users
Re: Jenkins / Unity / Guthub integration
'Björn Pedersen' via Jenkins Users
Jenkins && DEBUG logging
Matthias Apitz
Re: Jenkins && DEBUG logging
James Nord
Email from Jenkins - question
Inbar Mizrahi
Re: Email from Jenkins - question
Ulli Hafner
fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Matthias Apitz
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Matthias Apitz
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
'Daniel Beck' via Jenkins Users
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Matthias Apitz
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Matthias Apitz
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
'Daniel Beck' via Jenkins Users
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Matthias Apitz
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Thomas Markus
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Matthias Apitz
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
'Daniel Beck' via Jenkins Users
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Matthias Apitz
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
'Daniel Beck' via Jenkins Users
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Matthias Apitz
Re: fresh Jenkins installation does not present the dashboard
Matthias Apitz
workspace limit?
Doug Whitfield
"git submodule foreach" syntax error in Jenkins pipeline, but works on command line?
Re: "git submodule foreach" syntax error in Jenkins pipeline, but works on command line?
Jenkins plugin role-strategy and CasC breakage
Re: Jenkins plugin role-strategy and CasC breakage
‘Discard Old Items’ not removing all directories for multi-branch pipeline
Re: ‘Discard Old Items’ not removing all directories for multi-branch pipeline
'' via Jenkins Users
Re: ‘Discard Old Items’ not removing all directories for multi-branch pipeline
James Robson
moving jenkins to a new RH server
Matthias Apitz
Re: moving jenkins to a new RH server
Thomas Markus
Re: moving jenkins to a new RH server
Matthias Apitz
Re: moving jenkins to a new RH server
Thomas Markus
Re: moving jenkins to a new RH server
Matthias Apitz
Jenkins Test Result Aggregator Plugin
Sarthak Babbar
Getting error while using BUILD_LOG_REGEX in emailext
Jyoti singhal
Re: Getting error while using BUILD_LOG_REGEX in emailext
Alex Earl
Re: Getting error while using BUILD_LOG_REGEX in emailext
Jyoti singhal
Re: Getting error while using BUILD_LOG_REGEX in emailext
Alex Earl
Re: Getting error while using BUILD_LOG_REGEX in emailext
Jyoti singhal
Re: Getting error while using BUILD_LOG_REGEX in emailext
Alex Earl
Re: Getting error while using BUILD_LOG_REGEX in emailext
Jyoti singhal
git job weirdness (in Changes)
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
RE: git job weirdness (in Changes)
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
Re: git job weirdness (in Changes)
Mark Waite
RE: git job weirdness (in Changes)
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
In my Jenkins pipeline, why am I getting 2 different execution results with seemingly similar code, i.e. one job passes and the other one fails?
Could not update folder level actions from source<id> FATAL: "Failed to recompute children" when indexing multibranch pipeline
Ashish Kumar
Re: Could not update folder level actions from source<id> FATAL: "Failed to recompute children" when indexing multibranch pipeline
'Björn Pedersen' via Jenkins Users
Re: Could not update folder level actions from source<id> FATAL: "Failed to recompute children" when indexing multibranch pipeline
Ashish Kumar
Want to trigger scripted jenkins pipeline when PR approved
Shail Thacker
Programatically fetch security vulnerabilities related warning information on installed Jenkins plugins
Ram Vinnakota
hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner - wrong computer(s) count
Torsten Krah
Distribution list- mail notification
saravanan P
Pipeline script step looking script inside job@tmp path
Re: Pipeline script step looking script inside job@tmp path
How to set ssh key exchange algorithm when using Publish Over SSH plugin?
Re: How to set ssh key exchange algorithm when using Publish Over SSH plugin?
Alex Earl
Re: How to set ssh key exchange algorithm when using Publish Over SSH plugin?
'Dirk Heinrichs' via Jenkins Users
Set label for all the sh calls dinamically
Michel Filipe
There are no nodes with the label ‘built-in'
Torsten Reinhard
Re: There are no nodes with the label ‘built-in'
'Daniel Beck' via Jenkins Users
Re: There are no nodes with the label ‘built-in'
Torsten Reinhard
Re: There are no nodes with the label ‘built-in'
'Daniel Beck' via Jenkins Users
Blue Ocean: Folder issue
Reserving a display on each node
list+io.jenkins.users via Jenkins Users
Re: Reserving a display on each node
Re: Reserving a display on each node
list+io.jenkins.users via Jenkins Users
Re: Reserving a display on each node
'Christoph Vogtländer' via Jenkins Users
git plugin, use --single-branch option to save disk space?
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
Re: git plugin, use --single-branch option to save disk space?
Mark Waite
RE: git plugin, use --single-branch option to save disk space?
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
RE: git plugin, use --single-branch option to save disk space?
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
Re: git plugin, use --single-branch option to save disk space?
Mark Waite
RE: git plugin, use --single-branch option to save disk space?
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
New build with higher priority
Fabian Cenedese
Re: New build with higher priority
Eric Pyle
Jenkins giving 403 Forbidden error when trying to access administrative page
Ravindra Verma
Is it possible to run jenkins in a HA on Kubernetes
satish singh
email-extension: using extended email template in a pipeline job by template name
Mike MBS
Re: email-extension: using extended email template in a pipeline job by template name
Alex Earl
RE: email-extension: using extended email template in a pipeline job by template name
Signature verification failed in update site
Samir Kelekar
Re: Signature verification failed in update site
Mark Waite
Re: Signature verification failed in update site
Samir Kelekar
GSoC 2023 Building with alternative tools project feedback solicitation
Kris Stern
Re: GSoC 2023 Building with alternative tools project feedback solicitation
Basil Crow
Re: GSoC 2023 Building with alternative tools project feedback solicitation
'Gavin Mogan' via Jenkins Users
Re: GSoC 2023 Building with alternative tools project feedback solicitation
Basil Crow
Jira Issue
saravanan P
Re: Jira Issue
'Björn Pedersen' via Jenkins Users
Nested parallel dynamically
Fabian Cenedese
Re: Nested parallel dynamically
Ivan Fernandez Calvo
Re: Nested parallel dynamically
Fabian Cenedese
Advanced parameters or env vars for maven build step properties?
'David Balazic' via Jenkins Users
How to get all Jenkins job ran between specific dates?
Alok Dubey
Re: How to get all Jenkins job ran between specific dates?
Fabian Cenedese
What is best way to upgrade jenkins from 2.235.2 to latest .
Ravindra Verma
Re: What is best way to upgrade jenkins from 2.235.2 to latest .
Adrien Lecharpentier
Re: What is best way to upgrade jenkins from 2.235.2 to latest .
Ravindra Verma
Re: What is best way to upgrade jenkins from 2.235.2 to latest .
Adrien Lecharpentier
Re: What is best way to upgrade jenkins from 2.235.2 to latest .
Ravindra Verma
LDAP do not update email
Anderson Cruz
Jenkins is not starting up after upgrade to Version: 2.387.3
Ravindra Verma
Re: Jenkins is not starting up after upgrade to Version: 2.387.3
Mark Waite
Re: Jenkins is not starting up after upgrade to Version: 2.387.3
Ravindra Verma
Re: Jenkins is not starting up after upgrade to Version: 2.387.3
Mark Waite
Re: Jenkins is not starting up after upgrade to Version: 2.387.3
Biswajit Patnaik
How do I inform the name of Dockerfile?
Fernando Possebon Junior
Re: How do I inform the name of Dockerfile?
Prasenjit Dutta
Re: How do I inform the name of Dockerfile?
Fernando Possebon Junior
Not able to delete deprecated plugins
Nagaraju Yarlagadda
Re: Not able to delete deprecated plugins
Mark Waite
Regarding go to specific directory and file changes
Ashok Reddy
Re: Regarding go to specific directory and file changes
nick.sorokin via Jenkins Users
Re: Regarding go to specific directory and file changes
Ashok Reddy
Regarding go to specific directory in jenkinsfile
Ashok Reddy
Re: Regarding go to specific directory in jenkinsfile
'Nikolay Sorokin' via Jenkins Users
Unable to rebuild job
Re: Unable to rebuild job
'Dirk Heinrichs' via Jenkins Users
Re: Unable to rebuild job
Pavel Zaikin
Re: Unable to rebuild job
Not able to build scripts from local machine onto jenkins
Biswajit Patnaik
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