
With the git plugin, is there a way to clone a repo with the --single-branch 

We have a freestyle job wit a Git source code, where we specify the branch as: 
And when the build is done, the cloned repo (the .git folder) is very big, 
about 2.6 GB.
We use a command line git implementation (gitforwindows.org 2.40.1).

Using command line to clone gives this values:

git clone --branch main  https://server.example.com/foo/bar  "C:\tmp\git 
git clone --single-branch --branch main  https://server.example.com/foo/bar 
"C:\tmp\git test\test_xxx_branch_main_single"

The first creates a 2.6 GB .git folder, while the second a 70 MB sized .git 
They both also have about 120 MB of working tree files.

So about 2.4 GB is "wasted" due to unneeded cloned branches.

Is there a way to make the Jenkins git plugin to clone only the required 

I realize the plugin uses different commands, but hope the idea is doable.

For reference,
I have Jenkins 2.387.2 on Windows Server 2019
Git plugin 5.0.2
Git implementation: gitforwindows.org 2.40.1
I also tried with JGit (it behaves the same, uses 2.6GB per clone)

Also, the commands used in the build job are:

> git.exe init C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\TEST build git branch 
> one # timeout=10
> git.exe --version # timeout=10
> git.exe fetch --no-tags --force --progress --depth=1 -- 
> https://server.example.com/foo/bar.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # 
> timeout=10

I suspect the asterisk in the last command makes it download more than I need, 
but I'm no git expert.

Lep pozdrav,
David Balažic

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