After some more testing, it turns our we have a 300s idle timeout in our LB 
which was closing the connection.

I thought I covered this base by testing /scriptText with curl locally in 
our Jenkins container but I was still going through our LB unknowingly.

On Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 12:59:11 PM UTC-5 Jacob S wrote:

> Hi there, I have been troubleshooting an issue for a while now where 
> sending any groovy script via /script web GUI or /scriptText results in a 
> 504 Gateway Time-out when the result takes longer than 5 mins to return. 
> This can be easily reproduced via a sleep timer:
> sleep(360000)
> curl -d  'script=sleep(360000)' http://localhost:8080/scriptText
> I have tried playing with the winstone-jetty timeout options to no avail:
> --httpsKeepAliveTimeout=600000 
> --httpKeepAliveTimeout=600000
> Has anyone else experienced this issue or have any insights?
> Thanks!
> Jacob

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