On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 7:36:59 PM UTC-6 Ashok wrote:

Hi All, 

Can someone help me to fix this issue?

Not really, at least not without your providing more details as were 
requested by Kris Stern earlier.

There are many users that run Jenkins on macOS and start it with the 
command `java -jar jenkins.war`.  They don't see the problem that you are 
seeing.  There must be something different about your environment than the 
environment of other users that are running on macOS.

Since you've not provided any details of the differences, it is unlikely 
that anyone will be able to help you fix the issue.  Without those details, 
you are hoping that someone has seen your exact issue, will guess that is 
the issue, and will tell you the answer, without knowing enough details to 
confirm that your issue matches their issue.

The "How to report an issue" page 
<https://www.jenkins.io/participate/report-issue/> provides excellent 
guidance on the type of information that is needed when you're trying to 
persuade others to donate their time to help you.  Others are much more 
likely to help with guesses on the diagnosis of your issue when you provide 
the necessary details.

Mark Waite

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