mlbiscoc commented on code in PR #2935:

@@ -530,14 +530,14 @@ public JettySolrRunner stopJettySolrRunner(int index) 
throws Exception {
-   * Add a previously stopped node back to the cluster
+   * Add a previously stopped node back to the cluster and reuse its port
    * @param jetty a {@link JettySolrRunner} previously returned by {@link 
    * @return the started node
    * @throws Exception on error
   public JettySolrRunner startJettySolrRunner(JettySolrRunner jetty) throws 
Exception {
-    jetty.start(false);
+    jetty.start();

Review Comment:
   The tests I incorporated where I take down and bring back nodes, the URLs 
changed because port number changed. So I looked at this method noticed this 
was the cause. It didn't make sense to me change the port when you are passing 
the same jetty back and tests didn't seem to be effected so I didn't think 
there was an impact to change. I can move it out if you'd like, I just need to 
then start jetty in the tests instead of from this function to keep the same 

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