"a.eva yee" wrote:
> Jenn V wrote:

> >... and what if you're a large build, and you wear pants out in the
> >crotch (or more precisely, upper thigh) in about a year?
> >Or am I missing some brilliant idea. Anyone got a brilliant idea for me?

> if it fits and you like it...buy mutiples. that works for me as well.
> i have the same cut of jeans in 3 different washes 2 pairs each.

Yes, but I /do/ that. I buy two or three pairs of pants a year - and
wear them till they're just about dead in the crotch then buy another
two or three pairs. The previous year's set will do for emergencies till
they die completely, by which time the others are fit only for

I was just hoping someone had a better plan. I keep hearing about people
who have had jeans for decades, and wonder what I'm doing wrong.

And just once I'd like to be able to justify an expensive, /nice/ pair
of jeans, not the cheaper-because-it's-a-plain-style ones from the back
of the store.

Jenn V.
       "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
                you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jenn Vesperman       

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