On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Jenny Brown (was Gable) wrote:

 >I've thought about hiring a tailor but if I can mail order stuff that
 >actually fits that'd be nicer.  I'm really having trouble with the
 >business casual aspect of where I work, 'cause things just don't fit.

I shop for special nice clothes at Coldwater
Creek.  http://www.coldwatercreek.com  They've got a range of styles, from
comfy to classy.  I'm addicted to their sweaters.

They have a good privacy policy, well-designed web page (compared to other
online clothes e-tailers), and they also send out a spiffy catalogue
(perfect for leaving in obvious locations for my husband to find).  They
aren't cheap, but they have a good return policy - if something you buy
doesn't fit, they will accept returns.

J. Steinbachs, Ph.D.
Computational Biologist
The Field Museum
Chicago, IL 60605-2496

office: 312-665-7810
fax: 312-665-7158

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