Deirdre Saoirse wrote:

> Well, it's not only irrelevant, it's counterproductive. As long as it's
> someone else's fault, nothing can be done to help minimize or solve the
> problems.

I disagree.

Regardless of whose fault something is, anyone can act to minimize or
solve it.

For an everyday physical example, if my 2-year-old nephew splashes 
peanut butter all over the room, does it have to wait till he's grown
up some and can mop the floor himself?

Ludicrous. And just about /any/ problem can be at least partially 
resolved by anyone who's affected by it.

Jenn V.
       "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
                you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jenn Vesperman

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