Laurel said:
> I still often find I'm
> the only woman at some of the technical talks, especailly many of the
> logic and cs ones. 
I've often found this to be the case as well. I work for a company that
has an excellent reputation for hiring women (and actually lives up to
that reputation), but when I go to company sponsored optional technical
talks, the demographics of the audience don't match the demographics of
the work force, ie very few women show up. I haven't quite figured out why
this is the case. I'm also on a mailing list for technical women who live
in my home city and based on some of the discussions, I know that many of
them use Linux. However, none of them show up for the Linux Users Group
meetings. I haven't asked them about it yet and I do find it curious.

Emily Ratliff           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I can't complain but sometimes I still do. Life's been good to me so far."
                   - Joe Walsh, "Life's Been Good"


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