>Have any of you ever felt excluded or neglected in tech classes >because of
>your gender? The classes I had in grade school were >available to anyone,
>but it seemed like once I got to high school >the number of women in any
>given class was definately a minority.
In high school, as many girls took the math OAC classes as guys. There was
a difference in the science classes; chemistry was about 50/50, but biology
had slightly more girls and physics more guys. I didn't take any computer
science courses, though -- Terri, any comments about the CompSci courses at
high school, or your university?
(OAC = grade 13, in Ontario; compare AP classes in US. University-required
In my mathematics and computer science courses at university, I'm lucky if a
quarter of the class is female; more usually, it's a fifth.
However, I have never felt excluded or neglected because of my gender.
>Do you feel somewhat aprehensive or uncomfortable in a male mojority
>learning environment?
Apprehensive? Uncomfortable? No. I'm aware of the fact that it is a male
majority learning environment, and do miss having other girls in the class,
but it doesn't make me uncomfortable.
I have become accustomed to being the only girl in my class, working with
guys for group projects (and usually being the leader,) always spending time
with guys outside of work and class. I went to a movie on Tuesday.. me and
7 guys. Because I don't know any other girls in this city.
I have never felt at a disadvantage in class because I was female. I think
it's also what you make of the situation: if you expect to be at a
disadvantage, you will be.
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