#if Laurel Fan
> On a completely different subject, what is a better, non-adversarial way
> of analyzing a design? The whole "you point out problems and I'll tell
> you why they're not" thing seems to work pretty well for me...
If you haven't got it written down in English, with diagrams, do that.
If you have, how about trying to live with the design for a while
and seeing how you like it.
I usually find that you can't see what's wrong with something until
you actually use it.
For example, I knew there was something wrong with the design of
the async 'job' design in my mail client. I lived with the original
for a month or two then redesigned it a couple of days ago. Er,
then I redesigned it again yesterday and scrapped 2 full days of
work. Which reminds me: Don't be afraid to rip it all up and start
Cultivate decade-by-decade nostalgia.
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