"Chris J/#6" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Out of interest, has a school in the US been sued for breach of equal 
> oppertunities, or similar, based on this sort of discrimination? Though that 
> said, its maybe not the best way of resolving this sort of thing (removing 
> much needed cash from the school budget).

There have, but most of the suits don't get much publicity.  School
districts also get sued for things like censorship because of what
students write in student newspapers, slogans on their clothing, lack
of clothing, etc. etc.  But that's only the public schools.  In
private schools there seem to be even less civil rights for students.
Community standards for obscenity are much more locally defined in the
U.S. than other countries, I believe. And the religious right tends to
focus on issues like obscenity, rather than systemic discrimination.
Removing funds is not easy and often not practical, because of the way
local taxes are distributed.  It takes years sometimes to get a local
tax change by a locally elected school board -- and often that only
makes the innocent students and teachers suffer in the long run.  The
federal goverment has been gradually taking away funding from local
school districts for a long time, anyway (and giving it to the
military, seemingly), so there's not much recourse in the federal
bureaucracy or the courts.

> Maybe you should make a vote with your feet and move to a better country 
> *grin* :)

I've tried, but the immigration laws of other countries are often
tougher for U.S. nationals trying to emigrate.  I settled for a better
state, instead.  :)


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