> On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, Cat wrote:
> > > for coke and pizza.  I thought the math and science teachers were
> > > jerks, took as much English and art shop classes as I could (we got to
> > > make things), skipped phy ed as often as possible, (oh, yes, and
> > > learned German), and stayed home and read.  Very un-masculine, for the
> One more thing -- the space for home ec was checked off before I even got
> into my guidance counselor's office.  As I recall he had to white it out
> to fill in the space for shop.  *blech blech blech*
> _CAt

No offense to the States, but, I knew there was a reason I wasn't a big fan 
of the place - it's seems a back-to-front country ...from this side of the 
pond, things are a lot more equal in school. When in secondry school (ages 11 
to 16 or 18, depending on what level you stay until), both the boys and the 
girls did both home econimics (which mostly concentrated on how to cook 
though) and metalwork and woodwork (or CDT as it became known in later years 
(craft, design and technolongy)).

Out of interest, has a school in the US been sued for breach of equal 
oppertunities, or similar, based on this sort of discrimination? Though that 
said, its maybe not the best way of resolving this sort of thing (removing 
much needed cash from the school budget).

Maybe you should make a vote with your feet and move to a better country 
*grin* :)

@}-,'--------------------------------------------------  Chris Johnson --'-{@
    / "(it is) crucial that we learn the difference / [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \
   / between Sex and Gender. Therein lies the key  /                       \ 
  / to our freedom" -- LB                         / www.nccnet.co.uk/~sixie \ 

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