Hi all---

For those of you in the US, does anyone know of a good guide to federal
and state labor law wrt geek jobs? I'm doing some research before I start
on a project that might have already been done.

Basically, I'm thinking there's a need for a site to advise
wet-behind-the-ears geeks about legal rights in the workplace-- on a
federal and a state level. (for example--- can your employer require you
to carry a beeper 24/7 with no backup and a 15-minute response time,
without additional pay?)

I and a few friends were talking about this, and we basically realized
that we know too many under-25s (and older) who've been fucked by
employers because they (the employees) didn't know that they were legally
entitled to comp-time/overtime/sanity breaks. 

We'd like to build a site that'll educate geeks about what they can do in
situations like this, and how other geeks handle the same problems. 
Anyone got thoughts or suggestions?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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