> Although I agree with the general point, in fairness I should add that
> I've met some fairly ignorant men on stalls at these things, too :) 

I think it must be a species (human vs. marketroid) rather than gender thing then. 

> judging by what I have seen and heard (and this isn't just the Slashdot
> comments, this is at the shows), some people do indeed swap notes about

I don't bother with slashdot anymore I'm afraid, in my opinion it has come to 
exemplify most of what is wrong with our community. This is unfortunate, but it does 
seem to be inhabited by the kinds of individual who is all to happy to rant on without 
being able to support their argument, or even present it in a coherent manner. It's 
also true that the posters appear from their comments to be fairly bigoted by the 
normal standards of the OS community.

> go to their stall; it's the fact that to at least some extent, they're
> right...

Sadly, this is true, I think we do better than the average in this regard, but there 
is still plenty of room for improvement.


#ifndef  __COMMON_SENSE__ | Ian Phillips
#include <std_disclaimer> | TIBCO Software Inc.
#endif                    | www.TIBCO.com

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