In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jenn V. wrote:
>So. Suggestions gleefully taken for questions for grrltalk 
>and issues. Either send them to me, or (if you want to get 
>answers fast) to the relevent list.

OK... for the issues list...

Q. Are there many women using Linux and Open Source software?

A. As a proportion of the total population, not really.  Perhaps 10%.
In actual terms, heaps -- certainly thousands.  The problem is finding 
them.  Many women in the field do not make a point of mentioning their 
sex in online discussions, and may be assumed to be male until proven

Q. Is the Linux community sexist?

A. Sometimes.  While most female hackers will eventually get recognition 
for their work, they sometimes have to fight an uphill battle before 
their technical skills are taken seriously.  However, the Open Source
community is in some ways less sexist than the mainstream IT world,
especially due to its meritocratic style and the Internet-mediated
communications which help blur gender distinctions.

Q. What about slashdot?

A. Slashdot, while occasionally posting articles about women in Open
Source or other technical fields, is notorious for its largely immature
attitudes towards women, shown in comments, editorials, and elsewhere.

Q. How can women be encouraged to use Linux or Open Source software?

A. The most effective methods found so far are:
   1. Visibility -- letting them know that other women use Linux too
   2. Mentoring -- personally helping other women use Linux

Q. Where can I find more information about issues facing women using 
Linux, in the computing field in general, etc?

A. (lots of links) (why are
   there so many women computer scientists?) (the Ada project)

Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
You should see the ones we don't let out in public.


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